Improved credit rating: Creditreform confirms BBB rating of Rantum Capital Private Debt Fund II with positive outlook

Rantum Capital, Germany’s largest private debt provider, achieved a BBB credit rating with positive outlook in the follow-up rating by Creditreform Rating AG. This is an improvement on the initial rating from 2018. In the current best-case scenario, the rating result is A.

Creditreform has confirmed the “BBB/ outlook positive” rating of Rantum Capital Private Debt Fund II as of July 2023. The realized credit enhancement has increased compared to the last rating. Furthermore, the improvement in quantitative results led to an adjustment of the rating. The average creditworthiness of the target companies remains unchanged in the B rating range. With a total of 15 medium-sized companies, Rantums Private Debt Fund II covers a broadly diversified portfolio of different sectors. The portfolio is currently in the realization phase.

Rantum Capital currently manages well over 1 billion euros of capital from institutional investors.


The full Creditreform press release is available for download here:

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